Program Description
What makes Hoggard special? We start with a strong staff, add a little sunshine, water, a few animals, and the result is an amazing experience for our students.

Extended programs and activities are offered through weekly “Explorations” classes. These classes allow students in grade 1-5 to explore a topic of interest to them. Some Explorations classes enhance the magnet theme, such as engineering/robotics and animation. Others allow students to pursue a range of interests, including music, chess and cooking.

Explore: The Museum
Fourth and fifth grade students created an on-site museum using real artifacts to tell the rich history of Nevada. They conducted extensive internet research about the artifacts and worked with experts to help plan and design the museum. This year students are creating learning activities for others visiting the museum. |

Field Trips
Students participate in specialized field trips that support the math and science theme: a three-day environmental camp at Mt. Charleston; viewing animal habitats as well as learning about marine life at Sea World; scientific investigation at Corn Creek; geology at Red Rock Canyon; physics and motion at Circus Circus Adventuredome; and, the natural history of Nevada at the Springs Preserve and Natural History Museum. |

Teachers utilize the sensory, vegetable, cactus gardens, and greenhouse to enhance science instruction. |
We offer advanced math classes for students in grades 2-5 for 60 minutes daily to deepen their understanding of abstract and symbolic math concepts. Students requiring further assistance receive tutoring for intense review of key math concepts.

Music Labs
Guitar Lab allows every fourth grade student to learn how to play the acoustic guitar for a five week period. Piano Lab allows all third grade students to expand keyboarding skills for a five week period. Students in grades 1-5 showcase talent at lunch time during “Tuesday Talent” segment.

Parent Volunteer Program
Parents are requested to volunteer a minimum of four hours per school year. They assist teachers in the classroom, attend field trips, help maintain the school’s gardens, help care for animals in the Life Science Lab, or present during Career Week.

Established with the following organizations/groups - CB Richard Ellis, Inc., Foster Grandparent Program, Harry Levy Gardens, Las Vegas Water District, National Bar Association, Northwest Career and Technical Academy, Palo Verde High School, and West Career and Technical Academy.

Science Instruction
Students receive a minimum of 80 minutes of science instruction weekly in their classroom and another 60 to120 minutes weekly from a specialist in a science lab. Science instruction is inquiry-based and hands-on.

Zookeeper’s Club
Students meet to care for and learn about the creatures and their habitats in the Life Science Lab, which is home to more than a dozen animal species. Teachers incorporate the lab into their instructional program when studying life science.